The quantitative-plant API

The website information can be access through a GET API, by constructing custom URL. The results from this custom query will be returned as JSON file.

The query has to be constructed as follow:

The type argument

The type argument defines which type of information you would like to access. It can take the following values:

  • model : get information about the different model tools
  • tool : get information about the different software tools
  • dataset : get information about the different datasets
  • all : get information about the models, tools and datasets

The fields and q arguments

The field argument defines on which field you want to filter the data. The q argument defines the filter term. They can take the following values:

  • free : perfom a free search in the whole entry. Any value of q is accepted

  • organ : filter on the organ type. Available q values are: canopy, cell, fruit, general, hypocotyl, leaf, plant, root-system, rosette, seed, shoot, simulation, single-root

  • measurement : filter on the type of measurment (only for tools). Available q values are: 3D-reconstruction, anatomy, angle, callose-deposition, cell-size, color, convex-hull, count, curvature, depth, diameter, disease, fluorescence, gravitropism, growth, height, insertion, insertion-angle, LAI, length, localisation, movement, n-branches, n-cells, n-filaments, n-plasmodesmata, n-ribs, n-ring, n-seeds, n-spots, n-teeth, network structure, nodules, orientation, perimeter, recognition, shape, surface, topology, velocity-profile, venation, volume, width

  • automation : filter on the automation level (only for tools). Available q values are: automated, semi-automated, manual

  • systems : filter on the operation system (only for tools). Available q values are: mac, windows, linux, matlab, android, ios

  • licence : filter on the operation system (only for tools). Available q values are: freeware, open-source, on-demand, commercial

  • groundtruth : filter on the presence of groundtruth data (only for datasets). Available q values are: yes, no

Mutliple queries at once

Queries can be queued up, to search for several parameters at once.

A multiple query has to be constructed as follow:


Datasets of roots:

Tools that analyse leaves, are automated and free to use:

Models that simulate roots and written in Python: