Nelson B.C. Serre, Matyas Fendrych
Measured variables | root tip angle dynamics |
Operating system | windows |
Licence | open-source |
Automation level | automated |
Plant requirements | Arabidopsis |
Export formats | excell |
Other information | _ |
Scientific article(s)
ACORBA: Automated workflow to measure Arabidopsis thaliana root tip angle dynamicNelson BC Serre, Matyas Fendrych, 2021 View paper
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ACORBA is a fully automated software to measure root bending angle over time from vertical-stage microscope and flatbed scanner images. The software can be used semi-automated for camera, mobile phone or stereomicroscope images. ACORBA represents a flexible approach based on both traditional image processing and deep machine learning segmentation to measure root angle progression over time. By its automated nature, the workflow is limiting human interactions and has high reproducibility.