
Jean François Barczi (CIRAD)


Model category SPM, FSPM
Plant part Root
Scale Whole_plant, Field
Licence open_source
Operating system MacOs, Windows, Linux, IOS, Android
Programming language Cpp, Java
Format of model inputs and outputs Inputs: from user interface; Outputs: mtg, opf, obj
Species studied Perennial-and-annual-plants
Execution environment Console and stand-alone application
Modelling environment AMAPstudio

Scientific article

DigR: a generic model and its open source simulation software to mimic three-dimensional root-system architecture diversity
Jean-François Barczi,Hervé Rey,Sébastien Griffon,Christophe Jourdan
Annals of Botany, 2018 View paper

Model description

DigR is a generic model and open source simulation software to mimic three-dimensional root-system architecture diversity. It is based on three key points: (1) a root-system architectural analysis, (2) root type classification and modelling and (3) a restricted set of 23 root type parameters with flexible values indexed in terms of root position. Genericity and botanical accuracy of the model is demonstrated for growth, branching, mortality and reiteration processes, and for different root architectures. Plugin examples demonstrate the model’s versatility at simulating plastic responses to environmental constraints. Outputs of the model include diverse root system structures such as tap-root, fasciculate, tuberous, nodulated and clustered root systems.

Some case studies

Species studied: Palm tree and lupinus

Similar models

Other models for the simulation of Root: