Javaux M., Vanderborght J., Couvreur V., Meunier F., Schroeder T., Schroeder N., Jorda H., Landl M., Schwartz N., Koch A. (Agrosphere)


Model category FSPM
Plant part Root
Scale Whole_plant, Field
Licence open_source, upon_request
Operating system Linux
Programming language Cpp, Fortran
Format of model inputs and outputs Text files
Species studied Annual-plants
Execution environment Console

Scientific article

Use of a Three-Dimensional Detailed Modeling Approach for Predicting Root Water Uptake
Mathieu Javaux,Tom Schröder,Jan Vanderborght and Harry Vereecken
Vadose Zone, 2008 View paper

Model description

R-SWMS is a numerical model for simulating solute transport and water flow in and between the soil and the plant systems. Based on the flow and transport equations in the 3-D soil matrix and within the 3-D root xylem network, it simulates the uptake of solute and water by plant roots for a growing plant. Three-dimensional root growth is also modeled as a function of environmental conditions (soil strength, temperature) and plant parameters (gravitropism, sensitivity to soil strength, etc.).
Above ground is modeled based on a big leaf approach.

Some case studies

First time validation of a functional-structural model (Koch et al. 2019, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz060)

Similar models

Other models for the simulation of Root: