
Computational Biology & Biological Physics @ Lund University


Measured variables localisation, surface, color
Operating system windows, linux, mac
Licence freeware
Automation level automated
Plant requirements any
Export formats jpg, xls, csv
Other information ImageJ plugin

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COnfocal STack ANalyZer Application (Costanza), an ImageJ[1] plugin for segmentation and analyzing stacks of image data. Such data come very often from fluorescent microscopy and this is where Costanza should prove to be most useful. The main purpose of Costanza is to segment nuclei marked cells in three dimensions, making available quantitative measures such as positions, sizes, and average intensities of GFP markers for the segmented compartments. However since a user is given the control on the parameters used by Costanza filters and image processors, they may be tweaked and combined freely to give good results also for other image processing tasks. The main algorithm is independent of intensity thresholds, allowing for segmentation of data of varying intensity. Costanza assumes a greyscale stack of images as input, and return the result both as cells/intensities marked in images and as an ImageJ data list.

Source: Computable Plant website

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