Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology


Measured variables surface, perimeter, count
Operating system mac, windows, linux
Licence open-source, freeware
Automation level automated
Plant requirements Arabidopsis
Export formats csv
Other information Requires ImageJ

Scientific article(s)

Image-based methods for phenotyping growth dynamics and fitness in large plant populations
François Vasseur,George Wang,Justine Bresson,Rebecca Schwab,Detlef Weigel
biorXiv, View paper

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RAPA (Raspberry Pi Automated Phenotyping Array) is a flexible toolkit for the measurement of growth and fitness related traits in large plant populations. It is based on simple imaging, making the method reproducible at low cost in different facilities. However, as manual imaging of large plant populations can quickly become a limiting factor, we also describe an automated high throughput imaging coupled with micro-computers that enables large phenotypic screening for genome-wide association studies and stress experiments.

Source: RAPA paper

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