Department of Biology @ Laurier University


Measured variables count, nodules, length
Operating system windows, mac, matlab
Licence freeware
Automation level automated
Plant requirements legume
Export formats xls
Other information Requires MatLab to run

Scientific article(s)

Standardized mapping of nodulation patterns in legume roots
Lauren Remmler, Lindsey Clairmont, Anne-Gaëlle Rolland-Lagan, Frédérique Catherine Guinel
New Phytologist, 2014 View paper

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This software was developed for recording and quantifying nodule distribution patterns in a standardized way, based on image analysis. The software can be used to quantify differences in nodulation patterns among cultivars, under different environmental conditions, and/or between different legume species. Such quantitative phenotyping will make it possible to explore the link between nodulation patterning, root system architecture, and ultimately plant yield.

Source: RNQS user guide

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