
F.Y. Li, P.R. Johnstone, A. Pearson, A. Fletcher, P.D. Jamieson, H.E. Brown, R.F. Zyskowski (New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research)


Model category CSM
Plant part Whole_plant
Scale Field
Licence upon_request
Operating system Windows
Programming language Matlab
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Maize
Execution environment Stand-alone application

Scientific article

AmaizeN: A decision support system for optimizing nitrogen management of maize
F.Y. Li,P.R. Johnstone,A. Pearson,A. Fletcher,P.D. Jamieson,H.E. Brown,R.F. Zyskowski
NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 2009 View paper

Model description

AmaizeN is a decision support system to help maize growers schedule nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications for site-specific maize crops. It forecasts crop yields and N-fertilizer application rates for potential yield and best economic returns, and predicts the consequences of user management decisions. It takes into account both crop production and environmental impact.

Some case studies

Adaption of the AmaizeN model for nitrogen management in sweet corn (Zea mays L.) (