Kurt Christian Kersebaum (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research)


Model category CSM
Plant part Whole_plant
Scale Organs, Whole_plant, Field
Licence open_source
Operating system Windows
Programming language No-language-identified
Format of model inputs and outputs Text files
Species studied Wheat, Barley, Rye, Maize, Potato, Sugar-beet, Oilradish, Mustard
Execution environment Stand-alone application

Scientific article

Modelling nitrogen dynamics in soil–crop systems with HERMES
Kurt Christian Kersebaum
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2007 View paper

Model description

The model HERMES was developed for the simulation of N dynamics in agricultural plant-soil-systems. The model simulates soil water and N dynamics as well as crop growth and N uptake by the crop. It considers processes of evaporation/transpiration, water and nitrate transport in the soil, net N mineralisation, denitrification and crop biomass development and its distribution to crop organs. The N demand is determined by biomass production and crop phenological development, the N uptake is limited by N availability in the soil. Water and N deficiency causes growth reduction for the virtual crop. The generic plant growth model for annual crops implemented in the HERMES model allows the simulation of different crops which are parameterized by external crop parameter files. The parameter files included in the model package were proved at single experimental data. However, they are not directly transferable to any other variety. Therefore, the user has to adapt them carefully by editing the files with a simple text editor.

Some case studies

Some studies using HERMES:

- Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production (doi: 10.1038/nclimate2470)

- Modelling nitrogen dynamics in soil–crop systems with HERMES (doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-4479-3_11)

- Modelling of yields and soil nitrogen dynamics for crop rotations by HERMES under different climate and soil conditions in the Czech Republic (doi: 10.1017/S0021859612001001)