Tobacco Canopy

Tongxin Shi, Yuntao Ma, Jie Wu, Xiang Li, Yan Guo, Zhaoli Xu, Yan Jin and Yuhong Yang (China Agricultural University and Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences)


Model category SPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant
Licence upon_request
Operating system NA
Programming language No-language-identified
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Tobacco
Execution environment NA

Scientific article

Quantification of Light Absorption and Photosynthesis of Tobacco Canopy Using 3-D Modeling
Tongxin Shi,Yuntao Ma,Jie Wu,Xiang Li,Yan Guo,Zhaoli Xu,Yan Jin and Yuhong Yang
IEEE 4th International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling,Simulation,Visualization and Applications, 2012 View paper

Model description

This static 3-D model of tobacco plant is built based on leaf surface geometry (collected by 3-D scanning) and leaf outline (obtained by digitizing in situ). The parameters describing plant architecture are derived and light absorption and potential photosynthesis of individual leaves as well as plants are calculated utilizing 3-D modeling.

Some case studies