
Shenghao Gu, Lizhen Zhang, Zhenzhen Yan, Wopke van der Werf and Jochem B. Evers (China Agricultural University and Wageningen University)


Model category FSPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant, Field
Licence open_source
Operating system Any
Programming language XL
Format of model inputs and outputs gsz (zip)
Species studied Cotton
Execution environment GroIMP platform (Java VM required)
Modelling environment GroIMP

Scientific article

Modelling the structural response of cotton plants to mepiquat chloride and population density
Shenghao Gu,Lizhen Zhang,Zhenzhen Yan,Wopke van der Werf and Jochem B. Evers
Annals of Botany, 2014 View paper

Model description

CottonXL is a model designed to describe the architectural (stem, branches, leaves and fruits) development of cotton plants in relation to temperature, plant density, light interception and the use of the growth regulator mepiquat chloride (MC). This model was extended with functionality for radiation interception and modules for carbohydrate production, transport and consumption as well as organ biomass growth.

Some case studies

Some recent studies using CottonXL:

Gu S, Evers JB, Zhang L, et al (2014) Modelling the structural response of cotton plants to mepiquat chloride and population density. Annals of Botany 114:877–887.

Gu S, Zhang L, Yan Z, et al (2018) Quantifying within-plant spatial heterogeneity in carbohydrate availability in cotton using a local-pool model. Annals of Botany 121:1005–1017.

Mao L, Zhang L, Evers JB, et al (2016) Identification of plant configurations maximizing radiation capture in relay strip cotton using a functional–structural plant model. Field Crops Research 187:1–11.

Wang X, Zhang L, Evers JB, et al (2014) Predicting the effects of environment and management on cotton fibre growth and quality: a functional-structural plant modelling approach. AoB PLANTS 6:plu040–plu040.