Fenni Kang, Paul-Henry Cournède, Jérémie Lecoeur, Véronique Letort (Ecole Centrale Paris, Syngenta Crop Protection Muenchwilen AG,)


Model category FSPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant, Field
Licence upon_request
Operating system Any
Programming language Cpp
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Sunflower
Execution environment platform PYGMALION

Scientific article

SUNLAB: A functional-structural model for genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the sunflower crop
Fenni Kang,Paul-Henry Cournède,Jérémie Lecoeur,Véronique Letort
Ecological Modelling, 2014 View paper

Model description

SUNLAB is dedicated to simulate the sunflower organogenesis, morphogenesis, biomass accumulationand biomass partitioning to organs. It is adapted to model phenotypic responses of different genotypic variants to diverse environmental factors including temperature stress and water deficit. The model provides a novel way of investigating genotype performances under different environmental conditions. These promising results are a first step toward the potential use of the model as a support tool to design sunflower ideotypes adapted to the current worldwide ecological and economical challenges and to assist the breeding procedure.

Some case studies

It was parameterized and evaluated using experimental datasets collected on four genotypes and two water stress conditions. The comparison of the parameter values obtained foreach genotype allowed differentiating genotypic parameters from crop parameters