Lianhai Wu (Rothamsted Research)


Model category FSPM, gbCSM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Field
Licence freeware
Operating system Windows
Programming language Cpp
Format of model inputs and outputs DBMS - MS SQL
Species studied Annual-plants
Execution environment Stand-alone application

Scientific article

SPACSYS: Integration of a 3D root architecture component to carbon, nitrogen and water cycling—Model description
L.Wu,M.B.McGechan,N.McRoberts,J.A.Baddeley and C.A.Watson
Ecological Modelling, 2007-24-01 View paper

Model description

The model is a mixed dimensional, multi-layer, field scale, weather-driven and daily time-step dynamic simulation model. It includes a plant growth and development component, a nitrogen cycling component, a carbon cycling component, a phosphorus cycling component, plus a soil water component that includes representation of water flow to field drains as well as downwards through the soil layers, together with a heat transfer component.

Some case studies

Article: Simulation of wheat growth using the 3D root architecture model SPACSYS: Validation and sensitivity analysis (