Eric Jallas (CIRAD)


Model category FSPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant, Field
Licence upon_request
Operating system NA
Programming language No-language-identified
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Cotton
Execution environment NA

Scientific article

Mechanistic Virtual Modeling: Coupling a Plant Simulation Model with a Three-dimensional Plant Architecture Component
Eric Jallas,Ron Sequeira,Pierre Martin,Sam Turner and Petraq Papajorgji
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2009 View paper

Model description

GOSSYM Cotton is composed of two sub-models. The plant simulation model simulates the topology and organ weight or length. The superposition of spatial position and the topology produces the architecture of the plant. The association between sizes and organs creates what we refer to as the plant morphological model. Once the integration is complete, the system produces a movie-like animation that shows the plant growing. The integrated model may simulate one or several plants growing simultaneously (in parallel). Visual capabilities make the proposed system very unique as it allows users to judge the results of the simulation the same way a farmer judges the situation of the crops in real life, by visually observing the field.

Some case studies