
Delphine Luquet (CIRAD)


Model category FSPM
Plant part Shoot
Scale Organs, Whole_plant, Field
Licence open_source
Operating system Any
Programming language Cpp, R
Format of model inputs and outputs NA
Species studied Rice, Sorghum
Execution environment console

Scientific article

EcoMeristem, a model of morphogenesis and competition among sinks in rice. 1. Concept, validation and sensitivity analysis
Functional plant biology, 2006 View paper

Model description

Ecomeristem models plant growth at the organ level in the crop stand. It aims to simulate phenotype variability and plasticity within a given species depending on the genotypic (G) and environmental (E: water, light and temperature) regulation of C supply and demand and thus of C source–sink relationships. It represents the crop stand as a population of average plants described by their topology and morphology (organ size and dry weight) with a given homogenous planting density. The topology and morphology are dynamically simulated as the result of G × E interactions. This model was initially created for rice vegetative vigour.

Some case studies

Examples of EcoMeristem applications:

- D. Luquet, 1. C. Soulie, M. C. Rebolledo, 1. Rouan, A. CJementVidal, and M. Dingkuhn, "Developmental dynamics and early growth vigour in rice 2. Modelling genetic diversity using Ecomeristem," Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2012 In press.

- M. C. Rebolledo, M. Dingkuhn, P. Pere, K. Mc Nally, and D. Luquet, "Developmental dynamics and early growth vigour in rice. I. Relationship between development rate and growth," Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2012 In press.

- D. Luquet, M. Dingkuhn, and A. Clement-Vidal, "Modeling drought effects on rice with EcoMeristem: feedbacks of water and carbohydrate relations on phenotypic plasticity," in Whole plant physiology modelling project. Final meeting Johnston, Iowa (USA), 2008.